Happy Wednesday!
Are you ready for our next habit – Habit #2 – Serving! If there was only one habit that I could literally stand on a soap box or declare from my rooftop, THIS would be the one!
Also, if you share this post on Facebook to your wall or a friend’s wall..however many times you share, your name will go in a drawing for what you see in today’s featured image – a 2 piece Pioneer Woman SERVING set!! Whoo Hoo! It’s all white, scalloped design is so pretty and I can’t WAIT to see who will win this stunning serving set!
Have a wonderful HUMP DAY … serving your family, your friends and anyone God chooses to bring into you path…and serve with all your heart! It may simply be serving up a genuine smile! And you will experience the beatific blessing of God as you do!
Lisa, this is wonderful. I loved that you pointed out the “mindset” of serving. It is all about perspective. One can look at the everyday tasks and chores as something to just get done and get through or … you can see it exactly as what you are saying- these tasks, chores, duties, responsibilities are an act of love. Thank you sweet darlin!! Love sent your way.
Thank you Lisa…and you’re right. It’s all a matter of perspective, and having that perspective SHAPED by the heart of our Maker! 🙂 “He loves to love, and He came to serve!” A great life motto!
Oh how I want to be this kind of servant! Thank you dear Lisa!
You ARE!!! Oh, precious Libby…you truly are!!
Shared on my page. Gonna copy and paste it to some friends walls as well.
Ok….let me know how many, ok? Thank you!!!