Welcome New Members

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Welcome New Members!

As you become a MEMBER to this website, you have access to more than only the blog.  What is shared on the blog? The blog is where you will find posts related to areas of Interior Inspirations, (organizing, decorating, design), DIYs, and some doable suggestions in bringing out the best of your own home. At the blog, you can also gather up recipes and even a few fun crafty ideas for home and garden.

But when you become a MEMBER of this website, it unlocks 4 other categories to you and these categories are found as you scroll down the home page of the website. You will find portions of the images below with a brief description:


Growing Spiritually – This category is where you will find bible studies and devotional thoughts to encourage you. The body of Christ is built up in faith as a result of the ministry of encouragement. Encouragement or exhortation differs from the teaching you will find in this category. Exhortation focuses on the practical application of the Bible. Whereas teaching focuses on the meaning and content of the Word. Encouragement focuses on relating to others with understanding, sympathy, and positive guidance. Teaching says, “This is the way you should go”; encouragement says, “I will help you go that way.” Encouragement can help another person move from pessimism to optimism and live with a maturing faith.


Inspiring Home – This category is where Rip and I will be sharing what we are doing for clients, as well as provide some ideas for cleaning, organizing, decorating, hospitality tips, gathering planning, and more! In asking countless people this question, “What do you long for when you ponder on your own home?” Majority of the time, the response are words like, peace, laughter, happiness, a safe place, time and place to enjoy each other, meals around the table, relaxation, fun.  The responses have to do with what is experienced and not with what is owned. So, in Inspiring Home, we will share not only the physical ways to encourage an inviting home to those who live within the walls and to guests, but we will share relational ways in creating what God has in mind for home – a place where His glory dwells, “I love the house where You live, O LORD, the place where Your glory dwells.” Psalm 26:8


Engaging Family – Here is where we apply God’s Word in our lives and in our relationships, as well as looking into other areas involving relationships like: distinctions between a living will and a durable power of attorney for health care, and should a Christian prepare a last will and testament; looking deeper into defining healthy relational boundaries and why/when we find boundaries in the Old and New Testament; recognizing narcissistic traits and behaviors, what defines a ‘healthy relationship,’ the impact of trials, trauma and relational isolation; we look at family dynamics and how addictions of any kind impact God’s ideals for marriage and families and how addictions are truly cured as defined by Scripture; we’ll also look at topics such as the blessings of obeying the Scriptures in our relationships; the Beatitudes and how they describe the ideal disciple and their rewards, both present and future. The person whom Jesus describes in the Beatitudes has a different quality of character, relationships, and lifestyle than those still “outside the kingdom.”  We will look at freedom from shame and guilt, the power of forgiveness, the blessed life found in walking in humility, the Love that covers a multitude of sins, living in and demonstrating the peace that surpasses all our understanding, the grace-life of ceaseless prayer, and the joy found in living IN Christ, while experiencing a deep and personal relationship with God the Father.


Improving Health – A category to simply inspire us all to do what we can toward physical and mental health. God has provided us with an “owner’s manual” that tells us how to operate the human body. That manual is the Bible, a book that contains instructions for proper maintenance. Although it isn’t a medical text, it is God’s Word, and in its pages He reveals many basic principles for good physical, mental, and spiritual health. What the Bible says about health is that those who follow God will generally be healthy. That does not necessarily mean that those who don’t follow God will always be sick. Nor does it mean that God’s people will be absolutely free of disease. The Bible says, “I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John 1:2). Obviously, God is more interested in our spiritual health than our physical well-being, but He does want us to be physically healthy as well. On the other hand, disease is a result of Adam’s sin, and even the most righteous may suffer. After all, Job was righteous, but God allowed him to suffer disease and hardship. The Creator God, who is sometimes called the Great Physician, knows everything about us, and He’s provided the necessary keys to good health. The choice to obey the Lord and reap the resulting benefits is ours to make.


By adding the Membership feature, we are able to provide a more secure and safe place online. The comments sections are turned off to those who are not a MEMBER. But if you are, please always feel free to leave any questions or comments pertaining to any of those four categories. If you choose to not become a MEMBER, you will always have access to the full contents of the blog.


Have a blessed day,


Posted in

lisa rippy

1 Comment

  1. […] For MEMBERS, we have 3 new posts in the categories of Engaging Family, Growing Spiritually and Inspiring Home (see below) and [click here to find out more about the MEMBERship] […]

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