Month: August 2015

Frying Up Some Bacon and Then Digging for Seashells

By lisa rippy / August 27, 2015

Good morning friends….hope you are waking up to a beautiful new day? Here at St. George Island, the sun is rising, the sky is shades of blue, dusty rose and touched with morning gold, and although there is only one way on and one way off this beautiful island, we…

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Sometimes you just gotta go through it!

By Rene' Collins / August 7, 2015

Psalm 77:19-20 says, “Your way was through the sea, Your path through the great waters; yet Your footprints were unseen. You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron”.  As I read this Psalm all I could see was the word through. God didn’t lead…

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Lisa Rippy’s Newest Bible Studies…and more!

By lisa rippy / August 6, 2015

Hello friends!! Well, now that Rip and I are back from the Send 2015 Conference, (…insert Hallelujahrrr!!), we are still without words in response to everything we experienced!  We both wanted to grab a selfie of our time together because we KNOW that “there is no such thing as a…

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