Outrageous Love

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“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.”  John 3:16

God adopts broken people.  That’s outrageous love!  We are all broken in some fashion.  The first sin committed in the Garden of Eden, brought the curse upon mankind.  Eve tasted the fruit and offered it to her husband. Their eyes were opened to the fact they were naked and exposed to Satan’s tactics.  Shame rushed in and perfection fled paradise.

Cursed became the man.  Adam would toil and labor by the sweat of his brow for the rest of his days.  Eve would bear children in serious pain.  They were band from their safe haven, the garden of Eden.  All had been running quite smoothly, up until this time.

The Creator still loved this man and woman He created in His own image.  All along He had a plan.  Sin had to be covered; so that Holy God could have an on going relationship with Adam and Eve.  God made a way through the blood of goats and bulls without spot or blemish.  There always had to be blood to satisfy the wrath of God.

At the right time; God sent His Son Jesus, to be the ultimate sacrifice.  His fully God, fully man Son, perfect and without sin; took our place upon a cruel cross.  Our sin put Christ upon that tree.  Our sin brought God’s outrageous love.  We cannot comprehend the height and depth of His great love for us.  We’ve done nothing to earn it or deserve it and yet; “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

Why in the world would He outrageously love desperately wicked and deceived sinners like us? It was His plan from the beginning.  If we invite Christ into our hearts and lives; we can have abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven.  I will never get over it. I pray you won’t either.

Prayer in Motion:

God, teach me to love people outrageously; in spite of what they look like on the outside, in spite of how they act, in spite of their wickedness.  Show me Your heart for the people for whom You died.  Give me a passion to witness to lost people and to be kind to the saved.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

I would count it an honor and a privilege to pray for you.  If you would like prayer, please feel free to call me at 704-965-6875 or e-mail me at teapottilly@gmail.com  Blessings be upon you.  In Christ, Libby Williams

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Libby Williams

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