It’s Monday morning and as we start into another work week, let’s look into this new day with renewed understanding as to what our Father, in His Word, has said to us.
Below is Scripture that has been worded in first person dialogue…as though this is the Lord Himself telling us exactly what we need to hear. This devotional was taken from a book titled, “Come Away My Beloved,” written by Francis J. Roberts, original version was titled, “Learn to Reign” in 1963.
O My child, let Me speak to you, and let My Spirit direct your life. I may lead you in unexpected ways, and ask things of you that are startling, but I will never guide you amiss. Across your path will fall the shadow of My hand, and wherever I direct you, there will you see My power at work, and your ministry will glorify Me.
Do not walk according to your natural reasoning and understanding, but obey the promptings of the Spirit, and be obedient to My voice. I need those who will be completely flexible in this way, because a multitude of souls are searching for Me, and would never come into contact with Me in a personal way through the channels of the organized church.
You will go as Philip went – at the direction of the Spirit – into the places that are out of the way, and bring light on My Word to those who are in need. Stay in an attitude of prayer and faith, and I will do all the rest.
O My child, it is not appointed to you to know the future, nor to be able to discern beforehand My exact plans. It is enough that we should walk together in love and trust. No doubts need mar your peace, nor anxieties cloud your brow. Rest in the knowledge that My ways are perfect and My grace is all-sufficient. You will find My help is adequate, no matter what may befall you.
Let no one say to you, “This will be, or that will surely come to pass.” Live, rather, in the awareness of the eternal destiny of the present moment. To be unduly occupied with matters of the future is to your own disadvantage.
So much is waiting to be done now!
Your life is in My hands. I can only use what is available to Me at the moment. Never be overcharged with anxiety. I am your burden-bearer. Praise me now! Let your confidence and certainty in Me be your witness to many.
I am doing a work of righteousness, even in the earth. For I say to you, you are not of the world, even though you are in the world. Set your gaze toward heaven. Never limit Me. I will take you through. Do not be afraid to follow me, nor draw back in doubt. I will provide all that you lack, for I am with you. For I have purposes and plans and desires which reach far beyond your present view. You see only the immediate situation, but My thoughts for you and My planing for you embrace eternity.
Yes, you are in My hand. Rest there, and … leave all else to Me.