“A certain ruler asked him, :Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life:” Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good, except God alone.” Luke 18:18-19
My six year old granddaughter came into my house and promptly asked for a piece of paper. She disappeared into our “great room” for about twenty minutes. She came back into our living area with something behind her back. Smiling, she handed me the sweetest little hand made card. On the front was written: “God is Good”, along with a picture of an angel’s heart, complete with wings. On the inside; was a picture of Jesus, “all grown up”, as she said. It made the Christmas pace inside of me slow just a bit, long enough to celebrate the goodness of God, in the land of the living.
God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.” We’ve said it a hundred times but we forget just how good He is; when we are all about our busyness at Christmas. On the same day Ryann gave me the hand made Christmas card, she and I were watching an old fashioned Christmas movie. As the movie was about to end, Ryann said, “MiMi, Jesus and God told me to get up and help you clean. Both of Them told me to get up and help you clean” I said, “Well then, you’d better get up and help me clean.” What a gift, to hear my grand daughter say she heard from God. That gift was from Jesus Himself. The help was just an added blessing.
The only way one can hear the voice of God, is to know Him and celebrate a relationship with Him on a regular basis. That’s because Christ came into this world to save us and to have a relationship with His children. He will tell us lots of things, if we will only “be still and listen for the voice of our Savior.”
Christ was born to be a bridge between us and God. He speaks to those who are listening. He’s so good; to come into this world and save us from sin. He longs to restore our relationship to a Holy God.
Prayer in Motion:
Lord, thank You for coming into this world! God, You are so good! I worship You on this day before Christmas! In Jesus Name, Amen!