“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.” Matthew 23:25
My husband and I have been cleaning out like we are moving. The trouble is; we are only shifting our “stuff” around. I have gotten rid of a few things but most of it is being moved to the back of the house; while we take care of some much needed updates. For me, out of sight, out of mind. As long as the outside looks good; I can function. This is not the best theory to operate under.
Although I’m speaking of material things; I want to give it a spiritual spin. In today’s passage; Jesus spoke to the Pharisees to tell them; “You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and self indulgence.” I desire to have the inside of cabinets, drawers and closets decent and in order. It would be very helpful when looking for things.
My daughter in laws are both extremely organized. I want to be. I can get that way but staying that way is a Mount Everest type challenge. I love that my boys both married women who are focused and get much accomplished on a daily basis. What a blessing they are to this family.
I need to make a plan and then focus on following it. I honestly believe God would be honored and glorified if I would make that a priority.
More than keeping the physical inside clean; I long to keep my spiritual inside clean. It doesn’t matter how many times you go to church per week; if your heart is not clean before God.
God is faithful to give us what we have need of and much of what we want. He says we have not because we ask not or we ask with wrong motives. I’m asking Him right now to meet you at your greatest point of need. He knows our needs even before we ask. I’m asking Him to help you and me to get focused and stay focused on making the much needed changes.
Lord, first and foremost; help me to keep my inside vessel clean. Then teach me how to keep the inside of my closets, drawers, and cabinets clean and in order. I want to be pleasing to You Jesus. It’s in Your Name I offer up this prayer. Amen