Hi friends! This past Thursday night, a group of friends and I met at our church for a time of some delicious pot-luck dishes and deserts and just some “well-needed” woman time in the Word of God! My goodness gracious!, was it ever a time of pure dee’ blessing for my soul! Ladies, we need this…and we need to never forget how much we need this – some time together in our local churches with friends pouring over the truths of God and His Word. This is huge!! So huge, and although mainstream is so accommodating for us to be able to sit at home, not leave the house any more for so many things, I sure do pray that the day never comes that we opt out of gathering together in the house of the Lord for worship and wonder! The wonder of our God is unifying…it just is!
PRINT OFF the Being a Godly Woman Study below by clicking on the title in blue.
Being a Godly Woman Study – you will need to print off each lesson when you want to watch and listen along because as I teach, I provide a listening guide. This time of bible study has been updated with new illustrations and applications that I hope will encourage us even more as we take hold of God’s Word in our lives.
BEING A GODLY WOMAN COVER PAGE – This is what we are using as a study cover at church….it may not be graphic trendy, but I just chose to put on the cover an opened bible with a pen and pad and the promises of God because there is no way, absolutely no way I can live or any of us can live as a godly woman with the enabling power and grace of the Scriptures. I sure am thankful you are going to walk through this study with us…and please send me any questions or comments or thoughts you have as you study, too. I would love to hear from you and I will post from many of you those things you send me. My email is lisa@https://myinteriorinspirations.com
Going On Grace,