Patsy Perfect

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Devotion:  “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”     Matthew 5:48

Do you know her?  Patsy Perfect?  Or at least that’s your perception of her.  Ever feel way less than her? Her life seems to always be in order.  So… well, perfect.  That’s why I named her Patsy Perfect.  Perfectly put together.  House always in order. Clothes always perfectly pressed and matching.  Happy husband. Children well behaved.  Every strand of hair in its proper place.   No stains on this woman’s clothes or marks on her shoes or her walls or carpet?  No dust on her molding or cob webs hanging from her ceiling.  I want to be like her.  There are times I cry out to God to make me just a little bit more like her.  If you will be honest, I’ll bet you do as well.

But then… I hear God say; I created you to be who you are, not someone else. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  I need to stop saying to the Potter, “Why did you make me this way?”  Do you?

Do you ever wish to have just a little of that perfection running through your blood?  The Bible says; “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.”  Argh…There it is in black and white.  BE PERFECT.  Oh no, I was hoping for an out.  It actually means to strive for perfection.  We can’t be perfect outwardly or inwardly.  That’s why Jesus came.  A perfect Savior died for an imperfect people. He did that for you and for me.

                                                   Thank God for the gift of a Perfect Savior!

He’s the One who will come for us on a white horse.  He will deliver us from all evil.  He will make all things new.  That’s who He is.  As long as you live in this world, keep striving for perfection.  Keep earnestly seeking His face.  The Bible says; “In this world you will have tribulation but don’t be afraid for I have overcome the world.”  Indeed He has.  When we go to heaven, then everything will be perfect; even you and me.


Lord God, thank You for being perfect for me.  You were the sinless One Jesus and You took my place on the cross.  My battles are already won.  You have the victory over sin, death and the grave.  I do love you and thank You for being my Lord and my God.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

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Libby Williams

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