Get Ready for the Fall, Y’all!

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One of the reasons why Interior Inspirations was even started in 2004, is because I saw a trend…more and more wives and mothers wanted “home,” but were feeling as though they were just maintaining (to the best of their abilities) “house.”

The routines of the house, the upkeep of the house, making sure the house was clean, tidy and stocked with the family’s favorites in the frig and pantry…all demanded their time and thoughts big time. How did the house look, feel, was it tidy, was a wreck…did the house have an odor, or was there an enticing aroma? Was the house organized or were they living in chaos? House …house…house….it all seemed to be all-consuming and not rewarding. Not one ioda!


the women of the home were feeling completely overwhelmed, overstressed, overtired and overwrought MOST of the time. While the “wife” in them or the “mother” in them was not feeling encouraged or strengthened or even nurtured. And the thing is…they longed for it to be! They craved to feel like they were being the wife their husband needed (and wanted). They longed to be really hands on in their “homemaking from the heart”, and not just hands-on in “housekeeping without the hassle.”   But in all their craving and longing, something happened.


Life full of busyness creeped in…comparisons started trickling in….and what followed all that? Plenty of feeling like a failure. Women were beginning to lose their own uniqueness. Their own biblically defined womanhood in leadership, homemaking, relationships and in their life of work and worship.

Something had to be done ….

So…. I took a survey from women and the results were:

100% of the women wanted a home, not a house…but a “Home Sweet Home”

100% of the women wanted to simplify their life, and un-crowd their lifestyle 

100% of the women wanted beauty and order and warmth in their home and life

100% of the women were willing to do whatever it took to gain control of their home life

Now, fast forward to 2015, and what do I see today?! All the above 1000X’s greater! Women are craving “Home Sweet Home.” They want more than a house, they want what their mother, their grandmother or even what their great mother had…a warm inviting home where people want to be.  Look at the Pioneer Woman for example. She has EXPLODED from what was once her own personal blog, to a TV show to speaking all over this nation to now her own line of housewares, cookbooks, dishes…her whole line of PW collections….all continuous and consistent around one thing – one branding — Home. The simplicity of loving and embracing being a homemaker. Now, that’s powerful stuff, y’all!

Interior Inspirations is not only about renovations, decorating, de-cluttering, and inspiring home life and home adornment. Interior Inspiraions is all about inspiring you to have a home with “arms” – arms that hug, embrace and work to provide a place of feeling wanted & loved within the walls of your own home…and Rip and I are committed to doing everything we possibly can to Inspire just that!

That’s why I’m crazy about this new line from Kelly Pickler – The Selma Drye Line.  She was inspired to create the pieces she has because of the “ways” her grandmother lived and managed her home and home life. Listen to Kellie tell how a house and home are two different things and what inspired her new line.

Get ready for the fall y’all…things are opening up here at Interior Inspirations and I would love to ask you to be a part of it!

1. The First “Interior Inspirations Home Binder

2. “Happies for Your Home”  from “Rip and Lisa” – (give-aways and purchases)

3. Full video series in homemaking tips and ideas in being the Proverbs 31 woman you long to be.

4. Living life to the fullest in your own leadership style, starting first in your home and then into the circle of influence God gives you.

5. Yours truly teaching my first bible study series, “Being A Godly Woman” 

6. How to “Welcome the Fall Into Your Home” full video series -(see the new slider at the top of our home page!)

7. Rip and Lisa On Site….our full renovation videos!

….and much more!

We will soon be “Opening the Front Door” to you to become an Interior Inspirations subscriber so keep stopping by! Once you subscribe, you’ve walked right through our own front door and we’ll get to share and do life with you!!

Until then, our first give-away will be a custom-made serving tray like the one you see in today’s feature image!  

Share this blog post with atleast 5 of your Facebook friends, and your name will go in a drawing for our first, “Happies for Your Home” give-away.

Love y’all and let’s bring on the fall! 


Posted in

lisa rippy


  1. Mary Adams on September 7, 2015 at 4:28 pm

    Oh how I love this line! Its beautiful! So inspiring to know the story behind it. I would love to be able to add this collection to my own home. What a way of sharing with my Grandchildren such a precious story behind these pieces. and to be able to pass them down to inspire them and encourage them to one day make their house a Home full of God , Love, and Family. Thank you Lisa for being such an inspiration to all the ladies and thanks to Kellie for sharing her story as well.

    • Lisa Rippy on September 8, 2015 at 4:08 pm

      I love Kellie’s line too…primarily because of the “story.” I have found that so many homemakers DO enjoy using and decorating with pieces that remind them of mom, or grandma, or just those sweet touches of what makes their MEMORIES of the past so special. But I also love the pieces themselves…darlin’ cups and saucers, decor…and the pie dish was just too cute!

  2. Carolyn Pope on September 7, 2015 at 7:32 pm

    i am so enjoying your blogs and the way you face life as a Christain lady. Please keep up the good work. You inspire us all!

    • Lisa Rippy on September 8, 2015 at 4:09 pm

      Thank you…and I hope you will keep stopping by, too! Come on in..the doors always open!

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