Hi friends!
Well, we finally made it to this one area of our life – Emotional and Mental Rest. You know, I’ve noticed on YouTube that the views are getting less and less on the videos, and that typically happens in bible study series. But, here’s what I would love to ask you to do – please pray for those who will view THIS one “3 part” video series on Emotional/Mental Rest. Y’all, as women, we know just how critical this one area is — because why? Because it touches every single other area of our life.
So, it’s my prayer that whoever can be encouraged and blessed by this one set of “Emotional and Mental Rest” 3-part videos, that nothing the enemy attempts to do will hinder them from viewing them.
Right now, here is PART 1 Video — and tomorrow’s blog will be PART 2 & 3 Videos.
Oh, and here is the listening guide for this video (below is a PDF or a WORD doc) – and after my video, I also shared a 3 minute video from Dr. Tony Evans that I just found while I was preparing supper… y’all, it’s just so amazing how God affirms truth!
A Home at Rest – Emotional:Mental Rest PDF
A Home at Rest – Emotional:Mental Rest WORD
**Featured image from Pinterest
I’m loving this series, but am a but behind as things are very busy here, but still working through it all as quickly as I can while making sure to really dig deep. Thank you for doing this, this is exactly what I needed. I am so blessed by it.