There’s a Kingdom Woman in the House

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Lately, Rip and I have been watching Tony Evans videos and we pulled one up last night that caught our attention. His wife spoke first, and then there was this second video that followed where Tony took the platform and y’all…Rip and I were not prepared for this one.

But here’s why I want to share this with you – when there is a Kingdom woman in the house, there is kingdom living.

Kingdom living is all about living in what God has defined as “reality.” And He defines reality by His Word. By Truth. By Promise. By Power.  He does not define reality by your current circumstances, your present situations, your own thoughts or feelings, or your past. God defines what your reality really is through His “Lordship” in your life.

And when a woman understands her place in this world as a Kingdom Woman, there is a value in her life, to her life, about her life, regarding her life, concerning her life that no crushing, no hurting, no wounding, no abuse, no rejection, no accusations, no past, no part, …nothing can destroy or weaken or discredit her KINGDOM VALUE.

Rip and I watched this while eating supper … and by the time the meal was over, I was all teary eyed and he was in awe!!

Ladies, take the time to watch this with your man.

Tony Evans gives a powerful message in how a kingdom woman (and a kingdom man) can live in a kingdom home, with kingdom purpose, all unto the glory of God – the Owner of the Kingdom!!  And that Owner has given YOU the title deed! What is the title deed? It is the written Word of God.

Kingdom value is in you under the rule of God.

**A great explanation of kingdom living has been written by a man who lives in Israel with his wife, Jim and Betsy Gerrish.


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lisa rippy

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