Why Do We Get Gifts?

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“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

My first grade grandson Luke and I were taking turns reading pages in a book called “Finding Santa.”  Always looking for teaching moments, I said’ “Luke, I want to show you something. Look at the word Christmas.  It’s spelled Christmas.  “You know why?” I asked.  He said, “No.”  I said because we celebrate the birth of Christ.  He is the reason for the season.  He looked at me very seriously and asked;

                                                                    “Well then; why do we get gifts?”

He was having a hard time believing we get gifts when it’s Christ’s birthday.  I told him; someone long ago began gift giving to the less fortunate and the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation.  It’s not a bad thing, because the Bible says;  “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.

Sometimes this most blessed season becomes upside down.  We work so hard to host the best party or give the best gifts.  We forget the main reason for Christ-mas should be to celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

                           We can  choose to refocus our attention on sharing the  Christ of Christmas. 

Here are a few ideas.

Bake a cake or cupcakes with your children or grandchildren. Make it red on the inside with white frosting on the outside.  Tell them the reason for Christ-mas.  Red represents His blood and the white represents a clean heart after confessing our sins. (the gospel message.)

Host a gathering of friends or family and choose to read and discuss Luke 2.  Make it simple.  Have some hot cider and a few cookies.

My sister and I made ornaments this year with flour, salt, white paint, oil and water.  After kneading the mixture; we rolled them out with a rolling pin and then using cookie cutters; cut out shapes of stars, hearts, squares.  We then took a straw and cut out holes at the top of the ornament, in which to later place red ribbon.  Next; we stamped on words like joy, peace, and Jesus is the reason for the season. We placed them in a 200 degree oven for six hours. After cooling, we glazed the ornaments with clear, satin varnish and then placed red ribbon through them. Voila:

                                                    Christmas gifts with a message; ready to share.

Our reason for gift giving should be solely an immulation of Christ.  He came to give Himself on our behalf.

Take some Christmas cheer to a shut in or a sick neighbor. Remember those who are less fortunate.  Share with them the story of Christ.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, I humbly ask Your forgiveness for all the times I’ve disregarded the true meaning of Christmas.  I want my focus to be on You, to speak to others about the most wonderful gift of You.  I love You Lord.  In Jesus Name I offer up this prayer. Amen

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Libby Williams

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