What We Need Sometimes …

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Hi there!  I have so missed our time of bible study! Just opening up the Word of God and pouring over the truths and teachings we find in Scripture each week is just a huge blessing for me!

But as Thanksgiving approached, I literally had no time to spend making videos. Clients wanted their homes ready for guests, and Rip and I had so much to do at our own home, too, that …… that I just took a computer sabbatical. It was so nice just focusing on home and family, and not posting for a while.

And it got me thinking …

Sometimes we just need to step back and breathe in a big deep breath of “home-body-ness.”  You know what I mean?

Sometimes we just need to be home-bodies and enjoy walking through our yards, sitting under our own trees, pull weeds or mowing (for the last time) our own lawns. It’s soothing to the soul when we shut off our minds to To-Do lists or loved & cherished but disciplined routines and just “be at home.”  Iron if we want to, decorate a table, create our own mantle garland out of paper sacks, bake peanut butter cookies and a fill a bowl with homemade sausage balls.

Sometimes we need to shampoo our carpets because honestly, it’s just time.

Sometimes we need to flip through magazines, polish a table, rearrange a built-in, or buy a new shower curtain – one that actually is pretty.

Sometimes we need to pop new photos in frames, make a basket filled with soaps, lotions, and small perfume bottles and place it in our guest bath.

And sometimes, we just need to surprise our kids with happies on their beds, “just because we love that they’re ours.”

Sometimes we need to buy a new planner and get ready for 2016, or create a family calendar that shows where we will be and where we will not be for the entire month of December.

Sometimes we need to try a new muffin recipe, sew some pretty new fringe on our drapes, make some tie backs out of some old rope, and have fun making the master bedroom more beautiful and inviting with added pillows, comfy bed linens, pictures on the walls, soft drapes around the window, and a nice sturdy stool at the foot of the bed that we find down at our local antique thrifty mall. (Love thrifty old stores!!)

You see, as much as I love everything there is about Interior Inspirations….decorating, organizing, remodeling, renovating, chalk-painting furniture, and making a house a more functioning and beautiful home, there is the ONE thing about Interior Inspirations – ONE thing that always matters most – and it’s the HEART of this ministry and business —–


Home can be 1700 square feet of wonderful smack dab in Waco, Texas, owned by Chip and Joanna Gaines. (Who Rip and I feel such a kindred spirit with! Simple living with a simple motive. Helping people own and love and embrace HOME.)

Home can be a 5000 square foot home in Green Hills, TN, where I am currently working with a client, who is so passionate about making all that space have “arms” … for folks to not be overwhelmed with the space, but to feel the welcome in home.


What do these two extremes have in common?


They want a Home that speaks love, acceptance, respect and kindness. A place where feelings are considered, laughs are shared, understanding is an expression that is shown, and where love is a verb.

Home is where the heart is and for me, it’s not all in the renovations, remodeling, decorating … it’s in taking time every day to show HOME to my family and friends.

Sometimes ladies – we just need to slow down and do whatever is necessary to





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lisa rippy


  1. Tracie Cronise on December 2, 2015 at 4:58 pm

    Amen. “Sometimes” I need to do this BEFORE I run smack into the wall. Good for you! ❤️

    • Lisa Rippy on December 6, 2015 at 12:16 pm

      I’m right there with you Tracie!!

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