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“He who gives a right answer kisses the lips.” Proverbs 24:26
Whether you are phoning a business, a doctor’s office or a church; you will probably be put on hold, There may be times, you will be transferred from person to person before finding the answer to your question. It’s quite frustrating, especially when time is of the essence. Maybe you are a mother of young children and you have a small window of time; while the children are resting or involved in an activity. You may be on your lunch break or running late for an appointment. You need an answer quickly. What’s the longest time frame you are willing to hold on the other line? Ten minutes, fifteen minutes or even twenty? That would depend upon your level of patience or time allotted for holding the phone.
Getting to the right person is always critical to getting the right answer. I think it would be helpful to pray and ask God to lead you to the right person. Right answers are inevitable; when the right question is directed to the right person.
God promises when we seek Him, He will let us find Him, when we search for Him with all of our heart. He is not trying to hide the right answers from us. He wants us to have the right information. Search out the Bible and seek godly friends that will give you wise counsel. Then pray to the God of heaven, who will never put you on hold. He will lead you to the right person who has the right answer.
Prayer in Motion:
Lord, may I rest in You as I seek to find answers to my questions. I trust You to lead me to the right people with the right answers. I love you Lord Jesus! It’s in Your Name, I offer up this prayer. Amen