Do you have prayer needs? Please join our new community of people committed to pray for you, by going to www. We would love to pray for you.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6
You know people who are in trouble. What person’s face, just popped into your mind? The person is in trouble, either spiritually, emotionally or physically. Young or old, rich or poor, sick or healthy, the one in trouble, desperately needs your prayers.
When one of the Father’s own is in trouble; we have the high and Holy privilege to pray to the One, who is ever interceding for him or her, at the Father’s right hand. Jesus knows your loved one. He knows their every thought, every word, when they lie down and when they rise up. He longs to hear your voice on behalf of the one in trouble.
Your husband, wife, child, grandchild, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle; niece, nephew or friend; was created with a great purpose and a plan. The one you love, was designed by God, for His honor and glory. There is absolutely no one on earth; who is all knowing, ever present and all powerful, as the Lord your God.
Here is a suggested prayer for the one in trouble. You fill in the name.
Prayer in Motion:
“Lord, I acknowledge that ______________ was created by You, for Your honor and glory. I know that you have a great purpose and plan for him/her. God, he/she is in trouble. I am placing _____________’s mind, body and soul, into Your constant watch care. He/she is fearfully and wonderfully made. You brought him/her into my life, for a reason. As I lift _____________ before Your throne, I am trusting You to accomplish Your purpose and plan for his/her life. No one cares for him/her, the way You do. No One can offer the hope You can offer. Bring ___________to the end of himself/herself and may he/she come to the place; where he/she acknowledges You, as the Lord of his/her life. I place ____________ into Your very capable hands and watch to see what You will do. In Jesus Name I offer up this prayer. Amen”