A Home at Rest – Occupational R.E.S.T. – Video / WORKSHEET

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Heey! Well, here we are – finally at the “Occupational Rest” category of our life. Hmmmmm, that could take us down so many roads, right? After all, we have so many different occupations represented in this one group of women who are participating in the “Home at Rest” series.


But as I pursued R.E.S.T. in my own occupational fields, I just kept going back and back and back to just one chapter of Scripture. Now, I read many verses on calling, and work throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament. I studied the lives of certain women in the Bible, as well as looked so much closer to the “wording” of verses that showed me the attitudes and spirit of women as they were going about their “occupation”….or really, as I dug even deeper, I realized it was actually their “calling.” Where I saw passion in the women of the Bible as they worked and did their jobs, I saw passion – and that passion bled right into (and actually gave supernatural substance to) their callings.


Then, as I have gone into other women’s homes, home offices, and corporate offices to help them regain new order and structure, I realize even more … God is at work here. How do I know? Because wherever you find a woman who fears the Lord, reverences and respects Him, and puts all her heart and soul into what she does, you find God at work.


So, before I shared my video with you, I wanted you to please take the time to watch Dr. Tony Evans. After you watch his message, I have something for you — Now, this something is very important that you read it and work it BEFORE watching my video that I will be posting tomorrow (Friday, March 8). If you could first watch Tony Evans, and THEN print off or simply read and complete what I have for you … then it will help bring a much greater understanding to what I share with you in my own next video, k?


So, here’s Dr. Evans…. (then right after him, you will simply put your cursor on the titles below for the PDF or the WORD document, to put into your binder.


A Home at Rest – Occupational Rest – Worksheet PDF

A Home at Rest – Occupational Rest – Worksheet WORD


I would love to hear from you! So please leave any thoughts or comments you may have below, or you can email me at lisa@https://myinteriorinspirations.com

So grateful for you!!!



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lisa rippy

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