“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored?” Matthew 5:13
My grandson Luke and I were about to make Christmas ornaments. I thought I had plenty of salt. Yikes, I couldn’t even find a cup of salt. Not wanting to take time out to go buy a container of salt; I madly searched for all the salt shakers in the house. Whew! Finally, after I had emptied all the salt shakers I could find; I had very close to a full cup. Luke and I were good to make our ornaments.
What happens when the salt is gone? When does salt lose it’s saltiness? I researched my question. This is what I found.
“Can salt really lose it’s saltiness? Pure salt can’t. But two thousand years ago, the people didn’t have pure salt. Their salt usually came from evaporated sea water. It was often improperly packaged; improperly stored and transported; exposed to dirt, rain and the sun. Some salt was so impure; it wasn’t even salty. It was insipid. The people often poured it out on the path to their front door. It killed the grass; hardened the soil; made a better path to walk on.
Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” But He divided salt into two categories: Good salt that flavors and preserves and bad salt that’s contaminated.”
Jesus urged us to be good salt.
My doctor has asked me to cut back on my salt. That’s the hardest thing for me; because I dearly love salt. Give me the choice and I will choose salt over sugar every time.
“When a person’s body loses too much moisture and salt, their life is threatened. We need some salt. Some church members never were salt. Some church members got contaminated by the world and lost their saltiness. Their life, their goals, their dreams, their desires caused them to abandon their obedience to God.”
As you prepare for your day; ask the Lord to help you be salty.
Lord, I truly want to be salty. May I strive to continually be salt to all those in my sphere of influence. I love You Lord and I want the people in my life to hunger and thirst for You Lord. Help me to be the saltiest Christian possible. In Jesus Name. Amen