“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place,..Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such time as this?” Esther
Time restraints. We all have them. Work. Housework. Bills due. Homework with children. Baseball, basketball and soccer practice. Laundry. And dinner. Is there any time left for the Lord Jesus?
Esther had been told by her cousin Mordecai not to make known her people nor her kindred. It was not yet time. Many times we must keep things between ourselves and God because it is not yet time to reveal them to anyone else. It is a time to wait.
What did Esther do while she waited?
* She took time to prepare herself for the king. Vashti had to give up her blessing because she forsook her time with the king. Because of Esther’s time of preparation, she proved her delight in him.
* Prepare yourself by asking your King to search your heart and reveal any unconfessed sin, so that your communication will be open.
Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary and walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
* She took time to be silent. Mordecai asked Esther to be extremely careful not to divulge the information regarding her people.
* Sometimes it’s critical to keep things between you and the Lord until the right time.
* She took time to fast and pray. The discipline of fasting sounds severe to most Christians, but is one that benefits the body and the spirit.
* We rarely deny ourselves food and although needed for survival, it shows God, we are serious about our prayer concerns.
* She made time to take action. It was time for Esther to break her silence. She had attained royalty for such a time as this.
It’s important to reveal the truth of what God has taught us during our time of fasting.
Love your heart and words, Mrs. Libby!