Because God is Always In Control

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Susan called.

Because God is always in control.


Susan Marquez is a freelance writer. She called one day wanting to write an article about our personal home renovation. She said her editor wanted to spotlight a home for their holidays publication without focusing on decorations, but traditions…not on “another house with the latest trending decor.“


They wanted to share a story…


She had already written an article for Hometown magazine, Madison, about our renovation, but in this article she wanted to address more of the “heart” that went into our work. She asked questions that dug deeper into why we do what we do for our clients, our personal home renovation, new traditions, and how we celebrate Christ at Christmas.

Rip and I are thankful to the Lord for this opportunity to make much about Him. It is our prayer that this article brings Him glory, because we can do nothing apart from Christ, (John 15:5), and with Christ all things (according to His will) are possible.

Scripture says, “Be merciful, just as your father is merciful.” Luke 6:36 Since we have received and continue to receive mercy from God, we are obligated to show mercy to those with physical or spiritual needs. It is our prayer that we will be sensitive to opportunities to show mercy each day in all that our hand finds to do.

So, we will always be grateful for His fruit of righteousness that is produced in us as we work and serve in love, pursue excellence, and maintain our integrity. Apostle Paul said in Ephesians 2:10, that we are God’s workmanship, “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Which is why Rip and I make it our prayer each day to ask for opportunities to demonstrate righteousness to others … one day at a time.


Why? Why do we ask this?


Because God is always in control. And that is why …

Susan called.


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lisa rippy

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