September to Remember

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    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”: Ecclesiastes 3:1

The air has turned a little cooler.  The humidity has gone down and we’ve seen a few leaves fall to the ground. School has started back.  The summer season is about to turn into Fall.  Fall of 2016.

Several ladies were praying during the first Sunday morning service in September.  I heard my friend Tina pray;  “May this be a September to remember.”  That prayer took root in my heart. “Lord, could this be a September to remember?”  Maybe to see some long time prayers answered.  Possibly to pray bolder, more courageous prayers.  To watch for new mercies to be displayed.

To everything there is a season?  Really, everything?  Seasons come and go.  If we live, these seasons will follow; Winter, Spring and Summer  There is a time and purpose for every single one of them.

We find ourselves at the beginning of September 2016.  Will you determine to make it a September to remember?  To whom will you witness?  To whom will you show love, mercy and possibly even forgiveness?  To whom will you show undeserved kindness? Maybe you will try your hand at a new skill or doing something that makes you totally uncomfortable.

Would you be willing to set a goal that takes you beyond your “safe” limits?  It might be to uncharted territory; one where you’ve never gone before.  Sometimes seasons change gradually and other; times they change rather abruptly.

Here’s what I know about seasons.  God is in control of every one; literal seasons, as well as the seasons of life.  God created each one with a specific plan and purpose.  Has it ever occurred to you; that He created this “season” of life?  Whether it’s a good and easy, or hard and difficult season; He will work it out for your good and His glory.  There is always a purpose for even the not so pleasant seasons; such as harsh winters or blistering hot summers.

What’s the big deal you say?  It’s just another month of the year. September may be full of surprises.  God may have great and mighty things in store for you, beyond what you could ever ask or think or imagine.  Humm…wonder what this “September to remember” will hold for you?

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I have no idea what You have in store for me.  I just want to say, I trust You with my September.   I trust You with every single month of every single season. You know every single day before there is one of them.  I trust You Lord to work all things together for my good and Your glory.  I love You more with each passing day.  Everyday with You, gets sweeter than the day before.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

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Libby Williams

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