Good Wednesday morning!
As soon as I opened my Inbox, I found this devotional challenge waiting on me by Jim & Elizabeth George, an amazing team of authors who have written over 70 books, sold over 10 million copies and have inspired the lives of thousands of men, women and teens in living a life after God’s own heart. They wrote:
“Hey, I’m the kind of gal who has a refrigerator filled with bottled water, a few pieces of fruit, and a Diet Pepsi. Entertain? I don’t think so!”
Are you like my friend? I’m hoping you’ll reconsider. There are so many people around you who need love, friendship, support, and a relaxing time. Begin nurturing relationships by cultivating the art of hospitality (Romans 12:13). Then open your heart and home to others. And don’t worry if your home isn’t perfect. As long as it’s tidy, you’re good to go! Pick a time, invite guests, plan a meal or tasty snacks. Involve your family and prepare in advance to lessen stress. Pray about your gathering and then follow through. And most of all, be flexible and have fun! Your guests will be blessed and so will you.
Jesus, I’m excited about this idea! Guide me in the next week or two as I think about who to invite, when to have someone over, and what I need to do to prepare. Help me stay focused on the people I want to know better and not get overwhelmed. Amen.
Now, you can only IMAGINE how excited I got when I saw this!!! What a confirmation of what the Lord IS doing in the hearts of women and homes today! He is turning hearts toward home! And the art of hospitality is not going to be lost! Rip and I sensed a long time ago that the Lord wanted to work through our simple love for all things “home,” to inspire His Word and what HE has said about home, home life, and living with hearts turned toward Him and our home. We LOVE seeing women and men excited about doing life IN their homes, and in one of the videos I made in the series “Homemaking Done Right”, I encouraged us all to plan a date on the calendar to have guests in our home. So grab a stack of “You’re Invited” cards and mail them out to some special folks you want to have in your home …. just for the fun and fellowship of it all! Let’s be reminded of this beautiful encouragement and set a date on the calendar when we will open our home to friends or family or both!