Look to the Lilies … and Watch What Happens Next!

look to the lilies photo of yellow flower
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“Look to the lilies and how they grow…” Luke 12:27

I had one of those mornings – started off with reading Psalm 62, then Samantha came into the room and read to me her devotional from her new book, “Embraced.” And in both times of just sitting and listening, it was this one thought that stayed in my mind –

“Look to the lilies and how they grow ….”

It just kept rolling around in my mind … “Lisa, look to the lilies … look to the lilies.”

So, I did! I went outside and right off our side entry is a flower bed that Rip put in for us last summer and he never planted flowers, but in this ONE random place in the flowerbed, there are two flowers coming right up.

I went outside and noticed, that not only were they a gorgeous & stunning yellow, but they are already starting to show signs of being “in the field today and tomorrow are gone.” Luke 12:28  Just a little wilting is starting to happen.

BUT … for all their yesterdays and still today, they are provided for. The morning dew gave them their nourishment, the rich soil fills their roots so that they blossom beautifully, and they are right there, (for me this morning), to display just how God cares for them. “They do not labor or spin, … yet they are clothed in such splendor.” (v. 27-28)

Why? Why are we asked to look to the lilies in a chapter in Luke that talks about “the wealthy fool?” One reason is this – because we tend to get focused on and fixed and even worried about troubles or problems in our life, to the point that the next thing that happens is this — our priorities get all out of whack and resting stops.

But when we look to the lilies and how they grow, when we really notice the sovereign consistency in the growing blades of grass, it really sets our mind and hearts to understand this …

The Lord knows every detail of our life. He knows our problems or what may trouble us, and has made us this promise – to provide us with what we need.

Don’t run past that and miss it, ok? Let’s say it out loud but personalize it –

“Lord, You provide all that I need.”

Say it again, but this time emphasis the word that really stands out to you in that sentence.

Say that phrase until you are really settling in on how reassuring it is … and you begin to feel your breathing slowing down, you may even let out a big ol’ sigh. Your shoulders become lowered, even your face muscles relax. Resist rushing … instead, find total rest in that one phrase before moving on to the next thing.

So, how about we do this today — print off this flower. It is growing right outside our kitchen, and was facing the sun when I captured a photo of it. But print it off on your printer at home if you can, and on the front of it, right Luke 12:28….or maybe you’d rather write verse 31, or 32, or another verse that will prompt you to trust God to meet ALL your needs, or a verse that will remind you of this command, “Do not worry.” (Matthew 6:25)

But today, and throughout the weekend, let’s pray without ceasing, letting Him hear us say, “Father, I trust You.” Let’s sing it to Him even if we can’t sing!! While working in our house, out in our yard, while setting a meal on the table, while folding laundry, getting the fridge cleaned out, paying bills, … let’s have these words roll off our tongue with all our heart, “Father, I trust You,” because if we do, then ….

Not only are we fetching HEAVEN and the blessings of God right into our lives but …Scripture says, “He inhabits the praise of His people.” 

And …

Homemaking will be at it’s finest!! Nothing decorates and beautifies a home more than a contented heart at rest that is expressed through trust and gratitude.

When the heart is full of gratitude, there is no smidgin’ of room for worry, greed or discontentment.

So, go ahead, look to the lilies … and watch what happens next!!!

Oh and here’s my man’s response when I shared this encouragement with him ….


Happy Friday friends!

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lisa rippy

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