5 More Days to CHRISTmas! How to Make these Days Matter the Most

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Only 5 more days!! Jesus’ birthday is in only 5 more days…and here’s a little family checklist for all of us as we draw our hearts nearer to the true Reason for the season – the birth of our Master and Messiah – JESUS.

It’s so tempting to get consumed with shopping lists, baking lists, delivery lists and last minute To-Do’s. And there is no harm in any of it, unless…with all the hustle and bustle we never really allow ourselves to celebrate Jesus’ birth in our heart and with our family. So, here are just a few things to consider as we have only 5 more days until CHRISTmas morning:

1) Spend more time in prayer and in God’s Word – thanking God and worshiping Him for His Son. Pray for your family. Pray for your friends. Enjoy these last few days simply practicing the presence of the Father. Read His Word slowly and not speeding through. This will mean turning some things off and slooooowing down. It may even mean blocking off on your calendar specific times to pray.

“pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Ephesians 6:18

2) Spend less time hurrying – there may be loads of things left to do before Christmas morning, but use those time management skills you have and make smart use of time. If you are going into town, write down all the things you can do while there … pick up laundry, run by grocery store, drop off gifts, stop by post office, etc. Try to use the time you are in town to do one “big day of it” so that you are not having to run around in the car during these last 5 days more than you’d like. Just takes a little planning but now that kids are out of school (or soon to be) it will help THEM to really celebrate Christmas with less hurrying and scurrying when “time” has been given more at home with them. Remember, you do not have to meet the expectations of others. You simply get to “be the wife” “the mom” and that means …. setting the pace of peace for your own family and not letting it get away.

“Embrace peace—don’t let it get away!” Psalm 34:14

3) Spend more time staying on top of things at home – make a mini plan to do “something” each day of these next five days that will help you stay on top of cleaning, organizing, and preparing for Christmas. For me, every morning from 7:00-8:00, I do a home walk-through. Walking through my home to pick up, tidy up, and do 1 chore in that 1 hour – it may be sweeping, or cleaning a bathroom, or folding some laundry. But for my family and I to truly enjoy these last few days, I choose to spend just a tad more time staying on top of my home.

“First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.” Proverbs 31:17

4) Spend less time worrying – this time of year, folks tend to worry … and worry about all sorts of things. From relational things, to what will be under the tree, to what to cook, to what bake, to what they can afford, (some going into debt in these last 5 days!) Refuse to worry. When those thoughts come that tend to make your “overly dwell on the negative” or try to zap your energy with fret or fear….refuse them immediately by giving all your thoughts to the Lord in prayer and let His peace rest on your mind and in your heart.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

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lisa rippy

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