Today should be different

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Today should be different. Christians should be different everyday, we  live in the world but we should not look like it. But today, well, it should just be different. It is not any other ordinary day.

Today I want to thank my earthy father, Tony Ignozzitto for teaching me why and how to make this day different.

In no way was our home perfect while I was growing up, no home is. My father would be the first to tell you he wishes he could do some things differently but today, this DAY, he did right. For doing this day right he will hear, “well done good and faithful servant” when he meets Jesus.

You see for the Christian today is Good Friday. It is the day Jesus died for us, for me and for you. My sin alone is more than enough to nail Him to the Cross, yet He did it for all of us because of His great love for us. My dad was and still is keenly aware of this and he taught it to us, his three girls. It was not so much a verbal teaching or something that he did, it is what he DIDN’T do. He didn’t: watch TV, he didn’t work, he didn’t go out to eat or go out and about shopping or running errands,  he didn’t do anything he would do on any other day. He set the day apart, he knew it was a Holy day.

Growing up I must admit I thought it was a bit odd. Frustration would set in when he wouldn’t let me or my sisters watch a favorite show or go out with friends. We were out of school so we wanted to be out and about, but not on this day, this day was different. Daddy wanted us to be keenly aware of what Jesus did for us on this day. He wanted us to know how much God loved us and that for his 3 girls, God sent His only begotten Son to die for us so we would not have to die. He wanted us to know that Jesus died to give his three girls Eternal life.

Today I have my own family and I thank my Jesus that because He died my son Adam will not die. I thank him that my husband Roger will not die either.

Today I thank my earthly father for teaching me that today is different. Thank you daddy for showing me how our Daddy loves us.

Love you dad!


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Rene' Collins


  1. Lisa Rippy on April 3, 2015 at 4:27 pm

    Thank you Rene’…this is a beautiful post that resonates in my heart so much!

  2. Libby Williams on April 6, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    I love that your earthly father had you contemplate the greatest measure of love ever bestowed upon mankind. I LOVE it! What a powerful message to convey to young moms! I love you girl and pray you had the best Easter ever….

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