Time Change

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 “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalm 90:12

Every Fall and every Spring, Americans change their clocks and watches.  We fall back an hour in the Fall and spring forward an hour in the Spring.  Some say we gain an hour of time in the Fall and lose an hour of time in the Spring.  My husband stated, “It’s the same 24 hours in a day.”  He is right.  We don’t actually gain or lose any time.

Some will stay up an hour longer in the Fall and go to bed an hour earlier in the Spring; so as not to mess with their body clocks. Others just do what they normally do, disregarding the Saturday evening time change. However; come Monday, things will have to change.  Children go to school according to the time change.  Men and women go to work following the time change. We cannot live in the world and disregard the time change rule.

One Spring, I was standing in a memorial garden; gazing at a sun dial surrounded by beautiful pink azaleas.  I looked at the shadow cast on the sun dial. There was an hour’s difference in the sun dial and my watch.  I knew the sun couldn’t be wrong and remembered the time had just changed.

We all have twenty four hours a day.  The reasons for Daylight Savings Time are varied; to save energy, oil consumption, more daylight in your day.  In the 1940’s some cities adopted DST and other’s did not.  It brought much confusion in the travel industry. Time had to be regulated so that it would be the same everywhere.  Rules and regulations for DST kept changing until 1974; when the decision was made to employ it the second Saturday in March.  That decision has remained in place to this day.

God’s clock  never changes.  He has an appointed time for a man to be born and an appointed time for him to die.  He has an appointed day and hour when He will return for His bride, the church.  No man knows the hour, not even God’s Son.  We need to be ready.  God desires for us to use our allotted time; according to His will and plan.

Prayer in Motion:

God, help me utilize the hours in my day efficiently and effectively.  I long to do Your will on earth, as it is done in heaven. Teach me to number my days that I may present to You a heart of wisdom.  In Jesus Name I pray.  Amen


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Libby Williams

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