“But Mary kept all things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
Webster defines ponder: “to weigh in the mind, to think about, reflect on, to consider especially quietly, soberly, deeply. My dear reader; if there is anything to be pondered; it would be the virgin birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Over the years, I’ve heard people speculate that Mary must have been raped by a Roman soldier. That statement would come from a non believer, one who does not believe in miracles.
Historically; there is no denying the fact that Jesus Christ was born. The facts of His birth have been recorded by God ordained people. Those who choose to believe the Bible to be fiction; could research and find other authors, who made mention of the Christ child, during that period of history. They may choose to disbelieve in Christ as their Savior, however they cannot deny His birth.
“Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” She had given birth to the Son of the Most High God. Can you even begin to imagine your arms holding God’s only begotten Son? She was gazing into the face of perfect, sinless, beautiful Jesus. She had been given the responsibility to satisfy His every need, until the time He would satisfy hers.
When first born babies change almost daily, right before their mother’s eyes. Although the Holy Spirit had not yet been given, The Spirit of the Living God dwelled in the house of Mary and Joseph. They were with Him everyday, watching Him grow and change in His “fully man” form. How Mary must have pondered these things on a daily, moment by moment basis, as she watched the Christ child grow from a babe to a man.
Will you ponder the miraculous birth of the Savior of the world? Oh, blessed miracle! Please don’t miss what’s been done for you! I will close with a few lines from an old hymn. “Only Jesus, can satisfy your soul! Only He can cleanse your heart and make you whole.” Oh sweet friend, ponder all these things in your heart daily, during this Christmas season. If you have a personal relationship with this same Jesus; rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. Hallelujah!
Prayer in Motion:
Oh, God, I choose to ponder the birth of my Savior. Praise You for sending Jesus to die for my sins. It was my sins who placed Him on the cross. “Thank You Lord for saving my soul. Thank You Lord for making me whole. Thank You Lord for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free.” In Jesus Name. Amen