If you need or want prayer; please contact me at teapottilly@gmail.com or call 704-965-6875. I would count it an honor and privilege to pray with you.
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
A shepherd is one who watches over his sheep; all of them, from the weakest baby lamb, to the strongest, most obstinate sheep, desperately trying to graze in the wrong pasture. He takes the greatest care of their wool and skin. He makes sure they have grass to eat, shade to cool themselves and water to drink. He will supply for their every single need, great or small. If they fall and break a limb, he places the sheep between his shoulders, carrying the animal, until he is healed.
A shepherd counts regularly to make sure not one sheep has escaped or been snatched from his fold. This kind of care; makes the sheep feel very safe and content. The sheep knows his shepherd’s voice and will not follow the voice of another. He can hear his shepherd close by and he can hear him far away. He knows to obey quickly and there are consequences when he rebels.
When the sheep have a good shepherd, they are less prone to wander off. They want to stay close to their caregiver and provider. He is always gentle and kind. He keeps the enemy at bay.
In the same way, we Christians have the best Shepherd ever; so why are we so prone to wander away from His side? He said,”My sheep know my voice.” Do you hear His gentle voice, calling to you? He waits to lovingly draw you to His side. Oh, how He loves you and me. All we have needed, His hands have provided, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Remind yourself today, “The Lord is my Shepherd.”
Prayer in Motion:
God, You alone are my Shepherd! I will not follow the voice of another. I worship You today, in Spirit and in Truth. You call me to Your side on a daily basis. You always take care of my needs and many of my wants. You are such a good God! I love You Jesus. It’s in Your Name I pray. Amen