“For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” 2 Corinthians 2:15
The stench of garbage permeated the air, as I parked my car in front of my son’s house. It was coming from the garbage truck right beside me. I said good morning to the two men gathering the garbage cans and told them thank you for what you do. The more mature man said, “You will never know what that means for someone to take the time to say thank you.”
I walked on toward the entrance of my son’s house and the Holy Spirit nudged me to give them the loaf of chocolate chip pumpkin bread, resting on the front seat of my car. I hurriedly ran back down the driveway yelling wait, wait! As I handed the loaf of bread, to the younger man; his mouth flew open in disbelief. I stated, “God wants you to know He loves you!” I thought he was going to cry. Here’s a young man; picking up and disposing of garbage; not the cushiest of jobs, probably needing a touch from His Maker.
Later that morning, I took my youngest grandson, Zachary on a walk. Not too far from where the garbage man had stopped to pick up the trash; I smelled a sweet fragrance, probably from a flowering bush. What a stark contrast between those two fragrances.
Which fragrance do you leave with the people God has placed in your life? Do they dread to see you coming? Like the garbage, do the words you emit; leave a stench in the air? Do you turn up your nose at blue collar workers or do you leave the sweet smelling fragrance of Christ?
Choose to pour out the fragrance of Christ to those in your path. Choose to encourage rather than condemn. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to pour out words of kindness, because you never know who might need a blessing.
Prayer in Motion:
Lord Jesus, please help me to be a sweet smelling kind of fragrance. Forgive me for all the times, I’ve left a stench in the air. I want to bring honor and glory to You in my actions and my words. In Jesus Name. Amen
If you need someone to pray with you; please contact me at 704-965-6875 or email me at teapottilly@gmail.com. I would be honored to pray for you. Libby Williams