Taking off the Mask

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“You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  Matthew 5:48

“as it is written:” “None is righteous, no, not one:” Romans 3:10

How often do we perceive the lives of our friends and acquaintances as nearly perfect?  Looking from the outside, we observe people’s behavior, as well as their life’s accomplishments. We may conclude: because of their wealth, health, family unity and number of friends, that all is absolutely wonderful; however, we do not live in their house.

In the movie; Mrs. Doubtfire, Robin Williams was molded a mask, to look like the perfect nanny.  He changed his voice, to fool his wife, in order to be close to his kids, during their separation.  Sally Fields was mortified when Robin finally took of his mask, to reveal his true identity.  She had never suspected her husband was behind that perfect mask.

It’s easy to perceive the people in our lives one way; when it’s actually another.  Even church people can be hypocritical.  We put on our “good Christian” faces on Sunday and live so differently, Monday through Saturday. We desperately try to blend in with the world; so that the people around us, can tell no difference between their lives and ours.

We are called to be perfect, as our Father in heaven is perfect. And yet it’s impossible to be perfect. Even extraordinary Christian men and women cannot be perfect. One man falls in the realm of perfection.  His name is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.  He want us to look to Him as our example and to live as Christ.

You see, one can only hide behind a mask for so long. It takes more courage to reveal the hidden things, than it does to stay behind a mask of perfection. We are all flawed.  You must stop worrying about how the people in your sphere of influence will act or react, when they know the truth about you. The people who love you unconditionally, will love you anyway.  Take off the mask.  Be real.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, may I take off my mask and be real with You and with those You have given me.  I’m tired of hiding behind the mask of perfection.  You alone are perfect.  I hide myself in You Lord. You are Holy and You will help me to be who You created me to be.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

If you would like to have someone pray with you, please feel free to call Libby at



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Libby Williams

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