Love Is Patient
One of my favorite every day situations where patience is a choice is at the railroad tracks. Y’all know what I am talking about. You’re in hurry, cruising down the road when you see ahead of you a line of cars waiting for a train to pass on by. This…
Read MoreAre You Fruit-bearing or a Fruit Cake?
On May 1, my Pastor, Dr. Stephen Anthony, preached a message for our graduating seniors. In his message from Philippians 3:12-17, he gave our seniors 3 tips from the apostle Paul. He told them to prepare to be faithful, prepare to be forgetful and to prepare to be fruitful. All…
Read MoreBeing a Branch Means More Than You Know!
I’ve never given it as much thought as I did this morning. As I sat in my swing, looking out at the row of hardwoods that run across an area of our land, I thought: “How massive and strong and immovable they are! The crowns are so large and full,…
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