Surface Problems

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                                                Let all things be done decently and in order.  1 Corinthians 14:40

Unless you are a meticulous housekeeper; many of us struggle with a surface problem.  In other words, at any given time, you find “stuff” gathering on the surfaces in your home; the coffee table, the end tables, your desk, the kitchen counter tops, and bedroom dressers as well.

Piles and piles of “stuff,” find their homes in misappropriate places. The surface of our homes can become cluttered and out of control, if left without attention.  Rather than allowing things to land a few yards away from their proper home; we need to put them in their rightful place.


If it rests in it’s wrongful spot too long, it will then be thrown into another wrong place, just to get it out of sight.

The same is true for our spiritual lives.  We can have surface problems that cause clutter to our minds and hearts. It is God’s command, to “Let all things be done decently and in order,”  If we aren’t careful;  we will allow  those surface comments or irritations, to go deep into the compartments of our mind and closets of our heart. The argument you had with your mate, friend or family member.  Resolve it.  Ask forgiveness and mean it.  It’s more than just saying “I’m sorry.”  It’s working through it, together.

The weight of the sin of un-forgiveness, brings surface issues to our bodies. I will name a few: acid reflux, ulcers, heart palpitations, sleepless nights.  All of these, are outward manifestations of inward struggles.  This can become a never ending vicious cycle.  Someone hurts us. Our grievances begin to stack up, until we are so overwhelmed, we can’t begin to sort through them to find resolutions.  All those surface problems begin to drop into your mind and heart, then begin to be outwardly displayed through physical afflictions.

When we constantly neglect the surface soul clutter; by refusing to take care of it as quickly as possible, it will slowly begin to seep into the hidden places of our heart.  It has to go somewhere, so why not put it into the sea of forgiveness? Break the vicious cycle of surface problems.  Develop the habit of dealing with the problem and then put it away, in it’s rightful place.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, please help me to deal with my surface problems, whether they be physical or spiritual.  I want all of my life to be dealt with; decently and in order, because I want to honor and obey You.  In Jesus Name. Amen

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Libby Williams

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