Shattered of Self-Will

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“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart- These, O God, You will not despise.”                     Psalm 51:17

Contrite is a word used in the Old Testament to speak of brokenness.  Further study of this word suggests something that is crushed into small particles or ground into powder.  It means the same as pulverized.  What does God need to pulverize in us?  He does not want to break our spirit, nor who we are as a person.  He wants to break our self-will.

When we allow our self-will to be truly broken; the life and spirit of the Lord Jesus is free to be released inside of us.  We humbly and obediently respond to the conviction of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit.

Life can make our hearts hard toward people; even toward opportunities God places in front of us.  We start to lose hope and trust in God Himself, when we depend totally upon ourselves.

Do you want to be stripped of your self-reliance before God and your fellow man?  If so; you will no longer have confidence in your own righteousness or works but become totally dependent upon the grace of God to work in and through you.

Brokenness is the softening of the soil of your heart.  In her book on brokenness; Nancy DeMoss says “It breaks up the clods of resistance that keeps the seed from penetrating and taking root.”

Believers with broken and contrite hearts are receptive and responsive to the Word.  A believer with a broken and contrite heart is broken before God as well as in their relationships with others.  If we’re honest before God and our fellow man; people in our sphere of influence will hear and see the difference in our lives.  A broken and a contrite heart, our God will not despise.

Prayer in Motion:

Lord, I want to be broken before You and my fellow man.  Please root out any pride or bitterness that lies inside of me. I want to be completely reliant upon You Jesus.  I want to heed and obey Your Word on a daily basis.  Speak to my heart Lord Jesus. Speak that my soul may hear. In Jesus Name.  Amen


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Libby Williams

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