Squashing the Enemy

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Do you ever feel like when you are trying to seek God more than anything else in your life that the enemy tries harder than ever to break you down?  If you answered “yes,” then you are not alone.  I love Easter and tried to fill my time this past weekend constantly focusing on the cross and what it truly means to a sinner like me.  As always, the enemy has been in full attack mode telling me that “I’m not good enough, I’m not pretty enough, I will never find love again after my divorce, I’m not enough of a mother, I’m not enough of an employee”…..and on and on the lies go.

You see..as a single mom, holidays can be hard. It’s difficult seeing all of the beautiful family photos with a husband and wife and children all dressed up on Easter morning when the enemy has destroyed your marriage. Let me point out that I’m extremely blessed to have a wonderful, large family of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. to spend holidays with. Yet despite that, my heart still yearns for the day when I’ll once again have a companion to share those picture-perfect holiday moments with. Someone who is just happy to do life with me day in and day out.

The enemy loves to attack my tired Spirit and tell me that I’m not worthy and that my hopes and dreams don’t matter.  But you know what? He is wrong.  Satan loves to make our tough times seem impossible.

In Mark Batterson’s book, The Grave Robber, he says, “It’s often the situations that you would not have wanted to go through that teach you the most important lessons. They often reveal the most about God’s character. Those are the situations where the miracles of God happen.”

I’ve learned that when I cry out to God and trust Him despite the circumstances, I make the enemy a little weaker. I can’t ever become complacent if I wish to squash the enemy.

John 14:30 says, “For the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in me.”

I love how God promises that nothing is a match for His mercy, power and grace.  One thing that is helping me defeat the enemy is by keeping a prayer journal handy. Not only do I record my prayers, but I’ve been claiming verses during my quiet time that I feel speak to me during my day. When the going gets tough, I can pull out my notebook and read back through verses and prayers and I’m instantly restored. What lies does the enemy try to tell you?  How do you help squash these voices?  I’d love to hear from you.

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Sara Leach

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