Spirit of Thanksgiving

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“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18

As we approach the time of year where families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving; I began to think of all the things for which I am thankful.  God has richly blessed me with a roof over my head, food on the table, as well as wonderful friends and family.  My life is full; as my heart overflows with gratitude and thanksgiving, to the One who provided these gifts.

The greatest gift is God’s Son Jesus.  He knew me before the foundation of the world and at the right time; drew me to Himself. What a wonderful Savior!  When I think of who I am and who He is; I am always amazed at how He loves me in spite of myself.  I will never get over His all encompassing, unconditional love. NEVER!  I am forever thankful.

Having a thankful heart is a choice.  It’s easier to be broken hearted; depressed, and discouraged.  There will always be things about which we can be gloomy.  That is easy.  Choosing a heart filled with gratitude takes discipline; discipline of having the mind of Christ, even in your difficult circumstances.

                                               Will you choose to have a thankful heart?

Begin to make a list of things for which you are thankful.  When your heart is unthankful; making this list will be a challenging task.  However, I promise it will prove to be profitable.  List your blessings.  They are straight from the hand of God.

On Friday, a huge moving van pulled up in front of my house. No, I am not moving!  It was a woman, her fiancee, and her daughter.  They are only a handful of victims from Lumberton’s most recent flood.  I had seen some beds and mattresses sitting in the driveway of a family in our neighborhood.  These items were in mint condition; so I brought them home for this very reason.

                                                   Many of these flood victims are displaced.

These people lost EVERYTHING!  She told the story of how they waited in the dark with water up above their waist lines for someone to rescue them.  There were snakes galore.  My friend Tina  Hunt; had connected these dear people in desperate need, to those who could supply them.  You can thank God today by saying; “Thank You Lord that I am not displaced.

We circled up and prayed over them before they departed from us.  Grateful hearts spilled out of their eyes.  I got to go back inside to a dry clean house and they got to go back to a motel. They were thankful to be out of the shelter where they had been living for the last couple of months.

Why do we give?  We give out of a heart of gratitude to God; for all the great and mighty things He has done for us.  Give thanks with a grateful heart!  Give thanks to the Holy One.  We have much to be thankful for.  Ask the Lord to give you a spirit of thanksgiving.


Lord of heaven and earth, I thank You this day for daily bread; a roof over my head, a family to love, and the forever friends You lovingly placed in my life.  I thank You for trusting me with the trials You allow, because I know they will work together for my good and Your glory.  May I always have an attitude of thanksgiving.  In Jesus  Name.  Amen.


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Libby Williams

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