Hey happy homemaker! So, did you have a Thanksgiving to remember? Rip and I sure did … and we wouldn’t have changed a thing! One of the things we did yesterday was we started converting a bathroom in our farmhouse to be a tub/shower combo. It’s been only a tub with open shelving up the wall – super cute and super dated, which that is one thing we love about this old home. Dating as far back as the late 1800’s, and an addition in 1951,…with another addition in 1978.
We are taking our home in stages starting this year to remodel and add-on and so Rip will be starting his own YouTube channel – “Pulling the Rip Cord” – that way men can go straight to Rip and see what projects he has going on, and any tail-gate talk that he just may want to pass on.
We’re both headed back into work today, but what’s so amazing for us, y’all, is this – even though we no longer work Interior Inspirations together, we absolutely LOVE our new careers!! He is the Maintenance and Facilities Manager at Hospice Ministries and I am Manager of the State owned and operated MS Farmers Market through the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce. Rip has transformed Hospice, along with the CEO, nurses, local businesses, and every volunteer pitching in to take that facility from the 1980’s, to a brand new updated look and feel. And now that I’m employed with the State, 60% of my work is as Market Manager, and 40% of my job is as Marketing Program Division Specialist for MDAC … and y’all, we both are so so grateful God has allowed both jobs for us … to serve Him and to serve people.
My job is 100X more physically demanding that Interior Inspirations EVER was, but the Lord IS MY STRENGTH!! In all the hauling, lifting, moving, pushing, bending, stooping, and good ole’ deep organizing and some “Rip & Lisa cleaning” in an 18,000 square foot facility, is not only building some sure ’nuff endurance and muscle, but it’s allowing me to also pray and claim my Father’s strength and ability to a whole new level!! Just that right there, y’all, that right there, (HIS imparted strength and ability in my life), is not something I take for granted…I fully realize every day as I go to work, that this 51 yr old is being “abled” by my Father!
“I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day,” 2 Timothy 1:12
And the same for you. I don’t know what you’re facing in your work – any physical challenges, relational challenges, or maybe you’re just feeling overwhelmed and not feeling you can keep going. I totally get that, and I want to encourage you … maybe today the Lord led you right to this blog post so you, too, could be reminded of His strength and ability to work in and through you. To entrust to Him today, everything that concerns you and to trust that He will guard and protect you. Be convinced today, tee-totally convinced, that you have a Father who is more than ready to complete your need with His perfect provisions!! He is able!!
But here’s how we enjoyed our Thanksgiving — Phase 2 will be up soon! We love you all and thankful for you!