As I reflect on the meaning of the words “A Home That Whispers I Love You” I’ve come to realize that it is hard to give meaning to them in one or two words or even a short paragraph. It seems that those words can change year by year, month by month, day by day & even moment by moment. I thought back over my life how each season has changed the meaning of those words to me.
When I think back to the earliest memories I have, it brings to mind the time my dad spent with just me sitting in front of a large picture window as he shared “His Heavenly Dad” with me. My dad was whispering words of I love you enough to share with you my Heavenly Dad.
As I grew older, whispered words of, “I love you,” was sitting at the feet of my grandmother as she peddled her treadle sewing machine to make me a new dress or watching her crippled hands teach me to hand embroider or crochet one of her many colorful afghans. I also loved that she woke up every morning before my grandfather to scramble his eggs with bits of sausage and cheese in them. While she was fixing breakfast I would sneak into her bedroom and make her bed to surprise her when she was finished. Those were my whispered words of, “I love you, Granny!”
Through every season of life the whispers of, “I love you,” in the home would change. Sometimes I forgot to slow down enough to hear those whispers. My prayers are that I don’t miss a one! I want to cherish them in my heart! I want to hear those whispers from my husband as he brings me my coffee on Saturday mornings. I want to hear those whispers from my grandchildren giggling in the next room. My prayer is that no matter what season of life you are in right now that you want forget to stop and hear your home’s whispers of, “I love you”!