This morning as I sat outside, sipping on lemon water and planning out my day’s “To-Do’s”, I opened up my planning binder to a blank page…as I always do. A blank page waiting for a new day, a day rich in new mercies and compassions of God, reminds me of this promise –
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness,” Lamentations 3:22-23.
And it’s there where I find this little prayer taped inside the cover.
If you would like a PDF of the prayer, click here —> My prayer to God
It’s a simple straight from the heart prayer and one that comes from the Word of God.
To start our day with the Lord in prayer IS the way to start our day with the Lord!
Obviously, there is such spiritual and relational benefits to living a life of prayer. Talking with God throughout our day, taking everything to Him in prayer, asking in prayer, praising and worshiping in prayer, petitioning in prayer … it’s all in our relationship with Him. But it’s also how our relationship with others is strengthened, proven real. But for a child of God, prayer is breathing. It’s as needed and as our next breath. It was Martin Luther who said,
“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
So, for the month of May, my friend, Sissy Morris, and I are hosting in her home the Priscilla Shirer bible study, “The Armor of God.” She and I have already been working through this study, but we felt this would be a great time of the year to open her home for only 1 hour (to honor women’s lunch hours) so they can come and watch her teach on this very powerful and needed area of our lives – living IN the Armor of God and infusing it, activating it, with the power of PRAYER. If you are close to Madison, MS, we’d love to have you join us. But for the next 7 weeks, we are going to be so intentional in our prayer life. Learning how to pray strategically. And experience more spiritual victories than defeats!
But for me…there is more that I’m learning.
When I get excited about learning anything, I don’t do very well in keeping it to myself! So, after a little “guinea pigging” with my own body and health, the results have been quite remarkable!! So, I gotta’ share!
It was about a year or so ago that I remember seeing a huge trend on Facebook and Pinterest where the buzz was this – “add lemon to your water.” I read so many articles on the health benefits that one little squeeze of a lemon would bring to my body, but honestly…I didn’t get it.
Well, now it’s clicked! Here’s why…
I started several days ago taking a lemon, slicing it in wedges, and giving a mason jar glass full of filtered water a good hard SQUEEZE of a lemon wedge or two. Immediately, I loved the flavor! Rip and I love lemons, … he more than me! He loves ANYTHING LEMON! Lemon squares, lemon drops, lemon cleaners, lemon scented candles … you name it. If it’s lemon-originated, he’s all happy!!
But I seriously noticed that adding lemon to my water was bringing on some pretty significant health benefits.
A 4-5 pound weight loss – (had already lost 1 pound the week before). I wasn’t prepared for the detoxing it was obviously having in my body. I wasn’t prepared for the increased energy. I wasn’t prepared for the decrease in food intake, or the fact that I wasn’t having cravings.
Now, during this time, I’ve also been eating Gluten Free and Sugar free. I’ve been adding Organic Raw Probiotics, Enzymes and Omega Threes’ to my daily routine, but it wasn’t until I started adding lemon to my water, that I REALLY saw some real notable changes to my body and overall wellness … so noticeable that I KNEW it was primarily because of that sweet little lemon.
So, I researched. I wanted to understand how that one fruit could be so potent. I found many articles, (but for time sake), I will share with you one that was on Pinterest that really seemed to sum up all that I have been experiencing … just by adding a little bit of lemon to my water.
Be Inspired y’all! We have one body, one fearfully and wonderfully made body, and as summer is approaching, let’s really be intentional in caring for ourselves. Eat plenty of fruits and veges, lean meats and (if you would like to try it), go gluten free. I do not have any gluten allergies or sensitivities, but I sure feel 100% better when I avoid gluten all together. But let’s get out there and walk, swim, jog, and by all means, may this post inspire us all to PRAY — and let us SQUEEZE some fresh lemon juice into our waters!
14 Crazy Ways Drinking Water With Lemon Improves Health
• Water with lemon is a natural energy booster.
• Water with lemon provides the body with electrolytes (like potassium, calcium and magnesium) which hydrate your body.
• Warm water with lemon contains citric acid which helps with digestion. Lemon interacts with other enzymes and acids, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.
• Water with lemon cleanses the liver. The lemon juice stimulates the liver to release toxins.
• Water with lemon provides an alkalizing effect in the body. Drink it immediately before a meal and it can help your body maintain a higher level of pH. The higher the pH, the more your body is able to fight diseases. Plus, a high alkaline diet helps with weight loss.
• Water with lemon is good for the joints, reducing pain and fatigue.
• Water with lemon helps regulate bowel movements.• Water with lemon is great for the skin. Not only are you hydrating your skin, but the Vitamin C in lemon helps speed up the rejuvenating of the body.
• Water with lemon can help lower blood pressure. A daily intake of one lemon can reduce high blood pressure by 10%.
• Water with lemon cleanses blood, blood vessels and arteries.
• Water with lemon helps dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits.
• Water with lemon protects the body from viruses and infections. Lemon is a powerful antioxidant, it protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system, leading to fewer colds.
• Water with lemon relieves heartburn.
• Water with lemon can cure the “blues.” Lemon has a high level of potassium. Sometimes feelings of depression and anxiety can be caused by low levels of potassium in the blood. The nervous system needs a sufficient amount of potassium to ensure sustainable signals to the heart.**This list can be found at –