“Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.” Psalm 119:133
“For His eyes are on the ways of man, and He sees all his steps.” Job 34:21
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD and He delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23
Fitbit is a brand of pedometer. Many people are wearing this little device on their wrists; to monitor their heart rate, as well as count the number of steps, they take in a day. A certain number of steps; equals the number of calories one burns. What a helpful device, to make us accountable for our steps.
James Park; the creator and CEO of fitbit; has earned his company, six hundred million dollars from this little device. These devices average one hundred dollars in cost; so our world as a whole, must certainly be health conscious.
What if we had a device to monitor our spiritual steps? Let’s say every prayer we prayed registered on this little device. Other steps counted would include: every person we lead to Christ, every time we read and study our Bibles, every kindness, every unselfish act we perform, every time we choose to respond correctly to a harsh word or deed. Would our spiritual fitbit register as strongly as our physical fitbit?
Just as the physical fitbit causes people to consciously take more steps; I would hope the spiritual fitbit would have the same effect. You know what? We actually have a spiritual fitbit. His Name is God’s Holy Spirit! He works in us for free! He was given to us as our Helper; the moment we invited Jesus into our hearts. He will order your steps and direct your path. He never leaves you nor forsakes you.
The Holy Spirit of God willingly measures our good and our wrong steps. If we will heed his nudging; He will lead, guide and direct you, every single moment of every single day. He is with us always.
Lord, thank You, for the gift of Your precious Holy Spirit, who waits to order my steps and direct my path. Forgive me for all the times, I have not obeyed your promptings. I want to submit to Your will and Your ways. I know You will always order my steps onto the right path. I love You Lord Jesus. It’s in Your Precious Name, I offer up this prayer. Amen!