” Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43: 18-19
When we don’t see a clear path, God creates one. His rivers in the desert refresh us when we see no relief in the natural world.
The original Exodus of the Israelites shows us the greatness of God’s power and that it never runs out. Today we too can experience exodus-like deliverances if we will let God lead the way and part the sea of life before us. We must continually press forward. We can’t look at the past, live in the past, regret it or fret over it! God is always moving His children forward, even though we can’t see the path ahead. God makes a way. He can do anything!
The desert of our lives can be dry and miserable. We were not created to stay there, nor do we have to. If we do, it is our own fault that we are dry, parched, and wasting away. In the natural realm (here on Earth) we can’t find the relief we need. We must rely on God and let Him provide the refreshment and relief we need. He does this through His supernatural power. Verse 19 of our Scripture says He is doing a “new thing”. Why do we get in His way? Why do we cause delays when God is trying to deliver us and bring us to this “new thing”? The answer is found in our struggling. We struggle to release all things into His Hands. Do we think we have a better plan or better answers to the issues we face than God does ? More often than not, the answer to these questions is yes and the reason is because down deep there is a place in us that doesn’t trust Him.
Ask the Lord to show you where you aren’t trusting Him. Ask Him to forgive you and then lay it at His feet. He knows we are but flesh and that our Spirit may be willing but our flesh is weak. The old hymn says, “trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey”. Trust Him today, with everything.