Hi ladies,
As we begin our new Bible study together, the lessons will be printed off for you and placed inside our classroom. But if you are joining us through our live stream, I will have each lesson posted on this blog for you to print off.
Here is our first lesson of “Living Certain in an Uncertain World – An Expositional Study of Apostle John’s Epistles.”
Living Certain – Lesson 1 PDF2
The prayer and hope of this course is to help us as followers of Jesus Christ to live biblically – think biblically – love biblically – serve biblically. As Paul Washer has been quoted:
“If Jesus Christ isn’t strong enough to motivate you to live biblically, you don’t know Him at all.” – Paul Washer
May we grow in knowing Him more and more through the study and living of His Holy Word.
In our Savior’s Unfailing Love,
Loving this, thank you!