Lighten Your Load

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Woman standing on a suitcase



“And He called the twelve to Himself,…and commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff – no bag, no bread, no copper…but to wear sandals and not to put on two tunics.”  Mark 6:7-9

When I travel, I always take too much.  As a girl scout, I was taught to “be prepared.”  There is a difference in being overly prepared and being equipped for the journey. What do I actually need for my time away from home? Everything I add to my suit case makes it heavier; more weight to pull, more things to shuffle through.

We are travelers in this world.  There are things we need while living in this world; food, clothing and shelter.  When does one recognize excess and begin the process of lightening his or her load?  Examine more than your suitcase. Examine your closet space, your drawers, your shelves and furniture surfaces.

Author Francine Jay in her book “the joy of less,” gives three words to explain how to lighten your load.  Consolidate, Cull and Contain.  It will bring order and peace.  Put all your like items together.  Weed out the things you haven’t used in years, either send them on their way or trash them.  Then place like item treasures in a container for easy retrieval.  You have lightened your load and your motto becomes:

                                                                     Simplify life by restoring it to peace.

This can apply to your calendar as well.  Is everyday filled to the brim?  Do you need to lighten your load?  Is there any time for meditation and rest?  Even Jesus came aside to talk to His Father.  Ask the Lord to show you what needs to go and what needs to stay, on your calendar.  It doesn’t mean you’re being lazy, if you say No to some things.  It means you are being responsible with the time God has given you.

Prayer in Motion

Lord, please help me lighten my load.  I want to hear Your voice concerning my stuff and my schedule.  In Jesus Name. Amen




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Libby Williams

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