Image Consultant

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“As we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.” 1 Corinthians 15:49

I believe God instilled in women, the desire to be beautiful.  He created us in His image and as His image bearer, we should desire to look radiant at all times. We need to be beautifully set apart from the influence of the world.

My dear friend Sheri Braendel, is an amazing fashion expert and image consultant.  She can quickly identify your shape; as well as the best colors and styles you should wear.  She travels all over the U.S.A. and even to other countries; to speak to women about style.  At special week-end gatherings, she will train women how to share this wonderful information, with women in their sphere of influence.  She also shares her hope and faith in the Creator and Redeemer of women.  They are all beautiful, no matter their shape or size, color or race.

As deeply as we desire to look our best; we should also desire to reflect our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He paid a great price, not to provide us with beautiful earthly garments; but with the radiance of His glory.

As quickly as Sheri can identify your fashion style; even unsaved people can recognize if you are set apart.  They may not understand why you respond differently to adversity, or those difficult circumstances; however, they will know, “She’s different.” You look up when you walk.  You smile when you enter a room. Your conversation brings light instead of darkness.  You do not join in with the latest gossip.  You speak truth in love.

Your Heavenly Image Consultant wants to talk to you about bearing His image.  Do you desire to be as beautiful on the inside of your temple, as on the outside?  Study His manual, our God given Bible.  Pray and converse with Him on a regular basis.  He will teach you all things.  Go and be beautiful!

Prayer in Motion:

Lord Jesus, may I consult You on a daily basis. Help me to beautifully reflect Your image.  I want to reveal Your glory to all who are around me.  May Your Light so shine to all the people with whom I come in contact. May they see the good works I do, for Your honor and glory and come to know You personally. In Jesus Name.  Amen!

I would be honored to pray for or with you at any time.  Please contact me at 704-965-6875 or e-mail me at

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Libby Williams

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