Hey y’all!
So many new homemakers are joining us here at My Interior Inspirations, and we are just tickled pink! On November 1, 2014, we started a series called, “Homemaking Done Right – 7 Simple Secrets to Embracing Homemaking” and to help everyone feel caught up and WELCOMED, we decided to share the series again. After this series, we created another one titled, “Homemaking That Makes Sense.” That particular series showed how we can engage all 5 senses in providing a Home Sweet Home for our family and friends.
I hope you will join us right here for this series and they will all be tagged, “Homemaking Done Right” so they’ll be much easier for you to find. There are several videos in this one series so I hope you are blessed, a little challenged, and most definitely…..inspired!
Share your thoughts and comments with us because it helps us in planning future series.
In His Grace,
The three things around my home are pictures of my family, kids artwork, and the memories that are held within the walls. Homemaking to me is creating a home that is inviting and people feel the comfort and love in your home. I struggle with making sure my house is always clean and straight. I am a busy wife, preschool teacher, errand running, mommy taxi, PTO volunteer, church lovin mom of two precious boys. I try to keep the saying, “Excuse the mess, we are making memories” close to my heart. When we have school breaks, I could easily spend the day cleaning parts that are neglected, but instead we go to the park, have movie day, or make something special. Does it stress me out that my house is messy? Yes, but my kids are only going to be small for a short time and the sight of Legos everywhere or train tracks built the size of their room will soon be a distant memory.