Hey friend!
I am so glad you’re here and ready to get going along this ancient path of growing greater intimacy with God! All you need to do is print off either the PDF – Greater Intimacy with God – Lesson 1 PDF or the Word format – Greater Intimacy with God – Lesson 1 WORD for the written portion of the study, place it into your binder, find your favorite writing pen, open your bible, nestle in a quiet place, and then join me right here …
In the video, I reference Josh Howerton, the pastor at LakePointe Church in Rockwall, TX. He wrote a very honest post the other day and I mentioned it in the video because of how ironic it was to read how someone else has had the first 7-8 months of 2019 as quite the spiritual challenge. I want you to read for yourself how he got out of anxiety attacks. POWERFUL and just what “putting on the armor” looks like in real life.
Meet Josh and hear about his steps to getting out of anxiety attacks.