Enjoy Home – {video and photos to inspire!}

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No matter our age, no matter our season of life, no matter our occupations, callings, or careers there is one thing we have in common with our family, friends, neighbors and with every tribe, nation, and people group all around this world. It’s a very special and exciting opportunity!  It’s an opportunity given to each of us that has the greatest impact on our life and the life of our family … IF we embrace it and HOW we embrace it! It’s an opportunity that literally marks our character, shapes our hearts, and holds the potential to allow and encourage us to dream dreams of huge, just huge adventure and joy!!

What is this tremendous opportunity we ALL have in common?

It’s the opportunity called —

II - basket plant home

Home is not only a structure housing family and friends, home is not only a physical place, it’s a paramount point in our life.

A point of remembrance. 

A point of refuge.

A point of moments that matter.

A point of gathering and scattering seeds of love.

A point of dreams, desires and destinies.

A point of gathering, growth and grace.

A point of living, loving and laughter.

A point of hope, healing and hilarity.

A point of giving, receiving and relishing.

A point of things that touch us deep within.

A point of smiles, tears and timeless treasures.

You see, the definition of the word “point” used in this way is:

to give emphasis to; to mark with significance

When folks ask, “So, what’s the point?,” what they are really asking is,

What makes (or why is) this so significant” and, “how does this matter in the long run?

What’s so significant about home and what really matters in the long run concerning home is how we answer this question:

Who are we and what are we doing to seize home in every season of life? To seize those points of opportunity we are given?”

“You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, and training them up in God’s fear, and minding the house, and making your household a church of God, as you would be in you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts.” – Charles Spurgeon

That’s why for the next several blogs, I want to really focus on “HOME” and how we can create, stimulate and emulate: “The Home of Our Heart” … what’s inside each of us that’s HOME, and that being what we express within our households. And this all starts with first with understanding just how much God blesses not only the cheerful giver – 2 Corinthians 9:7 – but the one who enjoys all that He does and all that He gives and all that He is!

“So I commended enjoyment, because a man has nothing better under the sun than to eat, drink, and be merry; for this will remain with him in his labor all the days of his life which God gives him under the sun,” Eccelesiastes 8:15

This verse is not commending unbridled, rampant enjoyment of selfish living, but instead he is saying … in the face of injustice that may surround you, you are commended by God when you resolve to enjoy life, the life He gives.


1.)  Enjoying Home – enjoying what God gives.

How are we using and enjoying all God gives?

“The world asks, what does a man own. Christ asks, how does he use it?”  Andrew Murray 

And this ‘how we use it’ principle can been applied in the most simple ways, too. And it all matters because it all touches relationships.

How we use what Christ has given us, touches the lives around us. It’s why it’s given.

Let’s just be real practical and SO homemaking-ish with this “enjoy home” thought, ok?

Do you have a cake stand? Why not surprise the kids or your spouse with a little pile of cupcakes on top one day when they come home from school or work…and a little sprig off a budding tree adds a sweet touch.

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But if you don’t have a cake stand, how about stacking some kids books on top of the kitchen counter and placing a frisbee on top with a yo-yo or two with cookies piled on the frisbee. The cookies can be super simple – 2 nilla wafers with white store bought icing sandwiched between them, with enough icing oozing out the edges so you can roll them in colorful sprinkles.  Or you can get peanut butter and bananas, mixed together, and spread the mixture between the cookies and then roll them in the sprinkles. Place them on top of the frisbee and they will think they are having a “Let’s Welcome the Spring Fling” as an after school treat!!

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II - enjoy home cookies

This is very pretty and so well put together for a foyer entry. Everything so well selected and displayed. … … but … … is there anything here that is a part of the family “story,” an heirloom, anything that makes this space speak the language of the family within the household?II - enjoy home 4

I’m not sure why this photo grabbed my eye, but it may be because of how it’s obvious that someone took the time to go outside and break off branches and bring them into the house. Somebody thought ‘outside the box‘ and instead of stuffing the wire vase with rock or stone, they placed old books, moss balls and other trinkets inside. The old piece of luggage sure is fun and could it be a piece that belonged to a great grand-daddy? But the difference between this photo and the one above is this one begins to scratch the imagination of “could there be story” to it.

I believe every room in the home should have at least one thing that’s a family heirloom or simply an old piece.

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One way to enjoy home is take what you have been given and use it in ways that you may not normally use. Like this wooden sideboard. This homeowner slapped some wheels under the legs and now can use what they have in a very unique purpose – a kitchen island.

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Want to really do something so fun in showing how much you enjoy everyone in your home? Surprise them at dinner with a lunch sack hanging behind their chair with a piece of string holding it securely to the back. After dinner, everyone gets to see what’s been waiting for them inside their happy-sack! It can be anything because what really makes this so special is they didn’t expect it. It shows them that you enjoy them so much in your life that you wanted to surprise them with a small ‘I enjoy you’ happy.

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This is our coffee service in our kitchen. Cooking with herbs is something new for me so I thought, “let’s at least make it fun!” So, I planted them in small pots that I use on top of an iron candelabra. The old teaspoons are ready to be used and I got the idea of propping them up like that from my great Aunt Gladys. She had a container in her kitchen one day that was full of spoons, and I just loved that! Then, there is a sugar bowl, creamer, a small jar of coffee mate, with a piece of pottery holding Stevia packets. And it wouldn’t be morning without a rooster!! The platter is actually a terra cotta saucer that sits under a flower pot that I took and painted it with Annie Sloan chalk paint, and of course…distressed it. It’s nice and heavy so if I need to pick up the entire platter and carry it to our island or table, it’s sturdy (and much cuter) to carry all the coffee fixings.

kitchen coffee platter

Having your own business means — ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE! Rip and I use this hall between our garage and our kitchen like nothing else in this house! haha! the 3 folders are: 1) ACTIVE 2) Bills 3) To DoActive are things that we are taking immediate action on. BILLS are what is needing to be paid for the month, and To-Do are other things that need to get done that may not be business related but are related to home.  The first cork board is for business related things, and the second cork board are for coupons and invitations. The calendar gets updated on the 1st of every month. What is written in red are all the bills and auto pays and anything that means “money going out.”  And that little sign covers it ALL!

Calendar on wall

This corner of our kitchen ALWAYS changes. It’s either a verse or an inspirational thought, or some kind of uplifting message. The little bird sitting on a piece of wood is a daily reminder of my value to God – “Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:31  And the siting on wood part … Jesus died on a wooden cross and became the Provision from God for me to enjoy His promise of more value.

And it wouldn’t be a Rippy kitchen without a collection of favorite cookbooks, a pen handy for jotting down recipes or making a grocery list.

kitchen chalkboard

Wherever you are in your life, in your season of life, you can still enjoy every ounce of home that you have been given. Enjoy those darlin’ little salt and pepper shakers. Enjoy fluffing the pillows on your sofa, and giving a bathroom sink a quick washing. Find enjoyment in tidying up your frig and in displaying your child’s handmade trinkets in your family room.


Enjoy it all.

Enjoy the blessing of home!


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lisa rippy

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  1. Beth Alford on March 28, 2017 at 10:58 am

    Lisa, thank you for that encouragement! It gives me hope and direction for this season. I’m especially grateful that it is never too late. His mercies are new every morning!

    • Lisa Rippy on March 28, 2017 at 11:55 am

      In every new morning…new mercies we are given that we never needed in all the days before!

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