“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11
This past summer; I traveled with my husband to a job in Charleston, S.C. While he was working, I went for a walk on the beach. I looked up to see thousands of sand bags just yards away from beautiful pools and beach front condominiums. The sand was literally eroding away. There were people working all the day long; filling sand bags, replacing those already sunken into the wet sand. The job seemed endless.
It’s so sad to wonder how long; till these buildings begin to fall into the ocean. The foundations of these perfectly well built buildings, are obviously unstable.
There’s a line in an old hymn that says, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.” Our hope can be built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. Our salvation is totally by grace. There is no amount of work, no amount of goodness that can earn eternal life. To the watching world; people can look beautiful on the outside; however, all goodness will erode away. Only what’s done for Christ will stand.
Christ has set eternity in our hearts. Will we try to fill the place meant for Him; with good deeds, giving, time, money or talents? Christians tend to give more at Christmas time than any other time of year. We search for people who need help. Will we give them the one Person they need? Will we consider helping them build on the only Firm Foundation? We need to help physically and financially but those helps are not everlasting. They are for the moment. Help people establish and build on the only foundation that will not erode away. Give them Jesus.
Prayer in Motion:
Jesus, this Christmas season, may I rescue those who are standing in sinking sand. May I speak the truth of the gospel to those who are perishing. May I point them to You, the Only Firm Foundation. In Jesus Name. Amen