Broken Things

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                                      “He guards all his bones; Not one of them is broken.”  Psalm 34:20

Standing on a wooden dinning room chair, to remove and replace a strand of burned out lights on the Christmas tree; one of my favorite ornaments fell and crashed against the edge of that chair.   It was one of those times when…

                                    …you hear the crash before you know what has happened.

This cherished ornament was given to me by a dear friend. It was a round, white, iridescent piece of glass, with children from different nations; painted upon it.  Saddened to break this beautiful tree decoration; I descended to the floor, picking up the gazillion little pieces and jabbing one sliver into my finger. The moments pain was an indication of how my heart felt.

While re-organizing the kitchen pantry on Saturday, this time up on the step ladder,  I heard another crash.  A full jar of marinara sauce broke and splattered all over the wooden floor and the accompanying wall. Although not sad; I was aggravated at this big ole red, smelly mess.  It looked and smelled like something had died.

My husband’s cousin, Wanda Pendegrass and her daughter Ashley; along with granddaughter Zoe, were in a bad wreck about a week ago.  Wanda was t-boned and blessed that all were able to walk away from the wreckage.

I asked Wanda if she heard or saw the accident coming.  She told me, the only thing I remember is Ashley screaming, “Momma, hit the breaks; Momma, hit the breaks.”  Wanda had been momentarily knocked out.  She did not see or hear the oncoming car.  Spinning down an embankment; she was careening toward a huge tree and came in to consciousness in time to hear the words; “Momma, hit the breaks.”  She did hit the breaks and the car stopped short of slamming into a tree.

Needless to say; the car was totaled.  Broken glass; crumpled metal, bent frame; a total loss.  Wanda was the only one really bruised.  She retained a black eye and bruises that now cover a large part of her body.

                                                    Broken things come in varying types and sizes.                                                                                                                             Disasters come in different degrees.

Wanda told me she keeps crying and saying thank You Jesus. This story could have truly been a sad one to share;

                                                                        …but God had another plan.

Brokenness comes in all forms and fashions.  Some are worth crying over and some are not.  A broken ornament is nothing to cry about.  It’s just a thing.  Broken people is something to cry about.  Will you be a part of the mending process for those  you know are broken; either physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually?

Prayer in Motion:

Thank You Lord for sparing this dear family from what could have been a horrible disaster.  What a story they have to tell; all to the praise, honor and glory of You Lord Jesus. You are a merciful God, no matter what happens.  I choose to trust You both now and always. May I be a part of the mending process for those who are broken.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

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Libby Williams

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