Watch our Video!
It’s 6:47pm on Friday, Oct 22, and I have been trying to upload today’s Bible study since 8:00am. And after working out a few issues with our web designer, we finally got our study posted!
Part 2 will be posted tomorrow – Saturday.
Happy Studying! And I’m so thrilled we are in this together, girls!
Our God is a great and awesome GOD!
In Many Blessings,
Posted in Blog
Thought this was an interesting quote from John Macarthur –
“The most important thing you could possibly learn is wisdom. Wisdom is not some spacey kind of thing, out in the air somewhere, some conceptual thing. Wisdom is skill in living and it starts with fearing God, moves to guarding your mind, selecting your companions, controlling your body, watching your words, managing your money, loving your neighbor and pursuing your work. Very simple. But that’s it. And when you’ve done that, you’ve learned wisdom. I’m telling you, a critical principle of wisdom is our work. We must work. Work hard…work hard. It’s because hard work is the most rewarding thing in life, in this world. You know, the first principle of success? Get up, that’s it. Second? Get up early. Third? Get dressed. And fourth? Get out of the house.”
Oh Lisa what a personal word for me! Thank You for this lesson. What a confirmation from God about everything He’s been speaking to me personally!
I think I’ve mentioned before that I was a Worship Leader for a very large church back home but I was also a College Sunday School teacher.
I have since left that denomination (which HIGHLY regarded theological KNOWLEDGE) and what a difference it’s made in my life.
My “Quiet Time” consisted of “Lord, show me what I can teach. Show me how to order my set list”. Oh, I had knowledge alright but not a clue how to make USE of it.
On the outside, I certainly looked the “Christian part” but on the inside, in my private life, I was living a powerless life.
If I just read one more book, studied one more hour, went to one more conference somehow it would all change.
Knowledge without knowing how to put it into action personally as a child of God was a fruitless pit I was sinking in everyday.
Thank you for your teaching and faithfulness.