Hi ladies! Oh my gracious alive…have I ever missed YOU! Since I got home from Mississippi on February 1, mine and Rip’s life has been one constant whirlwind! But you know what the Word of God teaches about “wind”, right?
The Scriptural references to wind show many illustrative and figurative uses of “the Power of God” — here are a few: (1 Kings 19:11; Job 27:21; 38:24; Psalms 107:25; 135:7; 147:18; 148:8; Proverbs 30:4; Jeremiah 10:13; Hosea 4:19; Luke 8:25) We are experiencing His mighty power in prayer in our personal lives – literally, one amazing story to share after another of how God is leading and answering prayers!
But since we arrived here in MS, on March 17th, we have not slowed down. It’s all be such fun, but we are now finally at a place of feeling like things are falling into a routine – a schedule – a normalcy for us. Which is something we intentionally took the time to “think through and plan.” I needed structure to my days, again, and now that he is going full speed ahead in his new career and I am starting to get going in Interior Inspirations, and Trace is working 8:00-6:00, Tuesday -Saturday, we finally have ROUTINE! Whoo Hoo!
But because we FINALLY have internet, (after 42 days without it) and I FINALLY found out how to record on a new camera Rip bought for me, now I FINALLY can continue in the “Being a Godly Woman” study – and ya’ll, let’s wrap it up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for hanging in there with me, praying for us, being so patient and understanding! Every single prayer you all have prayed for us in this time of huge change and transitions has meant THE world to us!
This video is only 13 minutes long, and the others following will be as well. I just believe we need to make these teaching videos shorter, easier to handle, don’t you think?
But after this lesson, we will have only 1 more – Being a Noble Woman of God.
Click below for the entire “Being a Godly Woman” Bible study in PDF.
This is the list of “Positive Confessions” that I shared back in November, and with this chapter of our study (living Spirit-filled lives), I felt it would be a good time to be reminded of who GOD says we are.